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Cosmetic Products affect not only your Skin but also your Health!

Cosmetic Products (skincare, body care, intimate care, haircare, makeup, etc) affect not only your Skin but also your Health!
I'm going to delve right in as this is a doozy. 
There are so many products on the market that it makes your head spin!  Sadly, most of those products contain harmful/toxic ingredients. Just looking at skin, these ingredients could cause skin allergies, eczema, pimples, acne (skin and body), rosacea, dryness, blotches, dandruff, hair loss, etc. 


Image result for a face with rosacea

Healthwise, these same ingredients could cause actual diseases in your body, the most common of these is cancer. Shocking right?
I've been doing a lot of research and the following information is the most informative that I could find on the web. It was written by SkinKraft labs and reviewed by Dr. Kaustav Guha who is the lead scientist at SkinKraft. Please read this carefully and please check the ingredients of the products you are using! This includes body products and soaps!

'Harmful Effects Of Chemicals In Cosmetics

1. Sulfates

Sulfates are salts that are formed when sulphuric acid (H2SO4) reacts with another chemical. They are also produced from petroleum and plant sources like coconut and palm oil. They act as surfactants and are used for lathering purposes.

Sulfates can irritate your eyes and skin. They can prematurely clear off dye from your hair.There is also an ongoing debate about their use due to potential threats to the environment [1]. Deriving them from natural sources like palm oil is causing the destruction of rainforests. When they are washed away, they can be toxic for the aquatic species.

Did You Know?

Most Mascaras available in the market contain Sulphates

2. Parabens

Parabens are the preservatives used to keep your skincare and makeup fresh and germ-free. They are found in a variety of products, from soaps to lotions and makeup. Research shows that they cause increased production of the hormone estrogen (female sex hormone) and interfere with reproductive and brain function.

Some studies explain that parabens enter your skin and mimic estrogen that triggers excessive cell division in the breast. This eventually leads to breast cancer.

3. Phthalates

Phthalates are salts or plasticizing chemicals used for the spreadability of a product. They are used in nail polishes, perfumes and lotions to name a few. Also used as softeners in shampoos, they are reproductive and developmental toxins.

4. Synthetic colors

Synthetic colors are derived from petroleum or coal tar. Coal tar is made of hydrocarbons, carbon and water. It is a thick, dark and viscous liquid with a characteristic smell. Have you been looking for deeply pigmented lipsticks? Now is the time to think about what goes into these pigments. The heavier the pigment, the higher the chances of increased coal tar percentages.

Coal tar is also present in many of the commercially available eyeshadows. Synthetic colors can cause skin irritations, cancers, acne breakouts and ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder).

5. Fragrance

Fragrances are found in skincare products like perfumes, moisturizers, shampoos, cleansers and conditioners. They are made with chemicals that are associated with respiratory disorders, skin allergies, dermatitis and side effects in the reproductive system.

There is no organization that restricts manufacturers from using fragrances. They do not require to reveal what’s actually inside their fragrances. Fragrances are potential carcinogens (cancer-causing agents), irritants and endocrine disruptors. So it’s time to switch to unscented products!

6. Triclosan 

Triclosan is a common chemical found in tubes of toothpaste, antibacterial soaps and deodorants. It is effective against microbes (anti-bacterial in nature), but it is also an endocrine disruptor and a skin irritant. Some studies reported that triclosan can lead to gut inflammation and tumor growth in mammals.

Triclosan breaks down slowly and hence, is considered a potential threat to the environment. Like sulfates, triclosan too is dangerous for aquatic life.

7. Toluene

Toluene is a petrochemical solvent found in most hair dyes and nail polish. They can be dangerous for your immune system and may carry the risk of birth defects and blood cancer. Refrain from using hair dyes and nail polish if you are an expectant mother as it can cause damage to the developing fetus.

Toluene can affect the human central nervous system and can lead to fatigue, headache, nausea and drowsiness. 

8. Talc

Remember how soft talcum powder feels? This is because talc is the softest mineral occurring naturally. Talc is used to absorb moisture and is majorly found in baby powders, eye shadows, blush, deodorants and some soaps.

However, talc is directly associated with ovarian cancer. It first became a matter of concern when a woman who was using talc made by Johnson & Johnson for 35 years died of ovarian cancer. When inhaled, talc can cause lung tumors.

9. Lead

Lead is found in lipsticks, eye-liners, foundation and whitening toothpastes. Lead is not directly added to lipsticks but is a major contaminant in colorants used in lipsticks. Love wearing lipstick to work every single day? We do, too! And we needed this reality check!

Lead is a heavy metal that is naturally found in the earth's crust. We are already exposed to enough lead in our air, food and water. 

10. Chemicals In Sunscreens

Chemicals like PABA, benzophenone, oxybenzone, ethoxycinnmate and homosalate are used in sunscreens. They are believed to absorb light, but they cause more damage to the body instead of protecting. These sunscreen chemicals are endocrine disruptors.

11. Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)

PEG is used as a thickening agent in skincare products like lotions, sunscreen and shampoos. It can cause cancer and respiratory disorders. It can also strip off the natural oils (sebum) from your skin and trigger the sebaceous glands (oil-producing glands) to make more sebum that can make the skin greasy.

12. Formaldehyde

Formaldehyde is often used as a preservative in skincare. It is a colorless gas and is used to prevent the growth of bacteria. Formaldehyde can be found in nail polishes, hair straightening treatments, hair gels, nail hardeners, shampoos, deodorants, lotions and makeup. It is associated with developmental toxins, hair loss, scalp burns, asthma and neurotoxicity.  When inhaled, formaldehyde can cause dizziness and suffocation.

13. Diethanolamine

We love the foaming cleansers, body washes and shampoos. Don't we? But are you aware of the ingredient that helps in foaming. It is diethanolamine. It is a foaming agent that is commonly found in body washes, shampoos, cleansers and bubble bath. It is a cancer-causing agent and a respiratory toxin.

14. Alcohol

Alcohol is a common solvent in skincare products. It is helpful in absorbing the products better and hence, a great fit for certain creams and lotions. But alcohol is a toxic skincare ingredient.  Alcohol (drying alcohol) in skincare can leave the skin dry and flaky. It disrupts the skin renewal process. However, not all alcohols are bad for your skin. Fatty alcohols are derived from natural fats and oils and are great moisturizing agents. 

15. Hydroquinone

Hydroquinone is used in skincare for skin lightening. It is used to treat pigmentation related to acne scars, freckles, melasma, age spots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Hydroquinone functions by reducing the melanin pigment-producing cells (melanocytes).

However, hydroquinone is a known carcinogen. Prolonged use can lead to whitening of the skin, as it reduces melanocytes to a great extent.

16. Petrolatum

Petrolatum has a softening effect and is recommended for dry skin. Lip balms and moisturizers contain petrolatum. While it creates a barrier to prevent water from escaping, it also prevents absorption of moisture from the air. Your skin drys out eventually and this is the reason why you are tempted to reapply your lip balm. Also, if not refined well, harmful chemicals like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be retained in it.

How Do I Know If A Product Contains Harmful Chemicals?

  • Read the labels on your skincare products before you buy them.

  • SLS (sodium lauryl sulfate) and SLES (sodium laureth sulfate) are the common sulfates that you spot on the labels of your shampoos and other personal care.

  • Chemicals under methyl, butyl, propyl classes fall under parabens.

  • Toluene is often labelled as benzene, phenylmethane, toluol and methylbenzene.

  • PEGs can be spotted as numbers like 100, 120, 14M, 30, 32, 40, 75 and so on.

  • Formalin, formaldehyde, glyoxal and bronopol on the labels of skincare products indicate formaldehyde.

  • Diethanolamine is abbreviated as DEA on skincare products.

  • Ethanol, methanol, denatured alcohol, ethyl alcohol are all drying alcohols.

  • Mineral oil, benzene, paraffin wax and compounds that end in -eth are also petrolatum ingredients.

  • FD&C or D&C represent artificial colors. F means food and D&C means drugs and cosmetics.

  • Look for beauty brands that are transparent and disclose all their ingredients.

  • Consider natural brands that are not just safe, but also contain potent ingredients.

What Are Non-Toxic Skin Care And Makeup?

Non-toxic skincare ingredients include everything that is not a red flag ingredient. These ingredients are not hormone disruptors, carcinogens or allergens. They are safe to use and are not listed as toxic by environmental agencies. Most of the natural ingredients from plant sources come under the category of non-toxic skincare and cosmetic ingredients.'

You can read the full article here but I basically quoted everything that was written on there. 

If you managed to read all of the above, I congratulate you! It's a lot to take in and quite scary! 
You can make a difference for yourself and the environment by ditching those harmful products. Switch to a natural product company, whether it's mine or someone else's but make sure you check those ingredients as well.  

If you choose our company, let me make it clear that no harmful ingredients are used in any of our formulations. You can see a full list of ingredients on each product page. We also don't formulate with astringents because those can also be harmful to sensitive skin. See a list of Astringents below:

  • Isopropyl alcohol

  • Witch hazel

  • Calamine

  • Alum

  • Acacia

  • Sage

  • Yarrow

I hope this article was helpful.
Before you go, let me quote our Online Shop welcome message where I swear a little...hahaha!

'Welcome to Christina's Health and Beauty! Where all we really want to do is Help You Sort Your Skin Sh...t Out! Our Natural, Healthy and Environmentally Friendly products are Conscientiously Formulated with Your Skin Health in mind. Shop with the knowledge that you are not just purchasing skincare, You are Investing in Your Future Skin Confidence!'

Wishing you health, happiness and lots of Love ♥

Christina Rohl
Founder, Director and CEO
Christina's Health and Beauty
