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How it all began

Christina showcasing the 6 Step Skincare program

It all started when my Daughter and I ran out of toner end of 2013. It was after-hours and the store who's 'natural' brand we were using, was closed. After successfully making our emergency batch of a 100% natural toner, what was first a necessity, turned into an all-encompassing passion! I found out after I made that first batch of toner that the 'natural skincare' range we have been using up until then, was not that natural after all. I learned this by looking at the labels! Learn from me, always look at the ingredients on your product labels. The products contained sulphates and a few other unnatural and harmful ingredients. That explained why my daughter's skin was not improving! She had acne that just wouldn't go away! 
In order to make products that can actually help reduce skin issues instead of making them worse, and to also not to harm the environment, I made it my mission to be very conscientious with the ingredients I use and also how I formulate products. There are no harmful ingredients in any of my products, every single ingredient is natural. I have not veered away from this decision in the decade since I started formulating and never will. That is a promise. 

For me it's not just about formulating skincare, it's about improving skin health naturally, whilst keeping the environment in mind. And because I am passionately committed to doing no harm, all formulations are tested by me first. And I keep formulating and tweaking and testing until they do what I want them to do. Even if it takes years, which it sometimes does!
When I'm happy with the results, I then give the products to other people to try. 
The skincare currently available at christinashealthandbeauty.com have helped my Daughter overcome her acne, completely smoothed out her complexion, and has evened out her skin tone. See her photo below.

Plus, these products have helped many of my customers regain their skin confidence. 

See some reviews below - you can also find them on the product pages:

Christina xxxx
