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Sleepy Time Pre-sleep Guide

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Sleepy Time Pre-Sleep Guide

This is Christina, I'll be your sleep meditation guide today! I have created a voice audio (with added background) to guide you through your first few sessions. While I don’t have the most soothing voice, you can adjust the volume accordingly. There is also a second audio with just the background sleep wave and added sounds to help you when you do the exercise on your own. You can also use the second audio to help you fall asleep when you get into bed.

The reason why I worked out this meditation was to help me sleep. And it’s worked so well for me, that I want to share it with you.

The only tools you'll need for this meditation guide is a candle, preferably not paraffin, but if that's all you have, it should be fine. And a couch or a chair, but you are not going to lie on the couch, you will be sitting upright.
Sitting upright during meditation helps maintain proper spinal alignment, enhances breathing, keeps you alert, and allows energy to flow freely through your body, making the meditation more effective and comfortable.

Make sure that the surface you put your lighted candle on is eye level and at least a meter away from where you will be sitting. Light your candle so long and go pee. This meditation is relaxing, and you will feel like you need to go during it.

Sit on the couch or chair with your back straight. Without slumping your shoulders, let them drop. Make sure your neck is up straight, slightly tilt your chin downwards and keep your eyes on the candle flame. We are going to start with breathing to relax your body and to get rid of any stress. Do 5 deep inhales and 5 longer exhales through the mouth. Breathe in..... And out… through the mouth. Do these 4 more times.

After the normal breathing exercises, you are going to start counting breaths in your mind. I want you to focus on the flame, counting breaths and nothing else. Your brain needs to understand that those will be all it's going to do for the next few minutes.

You are going to count to 3 on the inhales, then you will count to 4 whilst holding your breath, and then count to 6 on the exhales. The reason we are doing it this way is so that your body can slow down even further. You will feel the effects soon.

Let's get started. You can do a few more normal in and out breaths before starting the counting. Breathe in... Breathe out... through the mouth.

You can start the counting now but remember, 3 counts on the inhale, 4 counts on holding the breath, 6 counts on the exhale.  Breathe in, 1 2 3, hold it 1 2 3 4, exhale 1 2 3 4 5 6. Look at the flame at all times, this is very important. Do a few more of these breathes and see how you feel.
At this point you should feel a little bit drowsy, but I suggest you do this for at least 5 minutes every night before going to bed. I do it for 10 and with longer counts. Once you get used to this breathing technique, you are welcome to increase the inhale, holding and out breath by one or two counts each. Just remember that your holding should be at least one or two counts longer than the inhale and your exhale should be two counts longer than holding the breath.

Once you feel like you are sleepy enough, go pee again and jump straight into bed. To further help you sleep, position your tongue on the top part of your mouth so that the tip of your tongue is touching the back of your top teeth. This works together with the exercise you just did and acts as a pacifier.

I hope with all my heart this sorts out all your sleep problems.

If it does not work as well as you would like it to on night one, please don't be impatient. Remember, practice always makes perfect. I know this will work for you; staring at the flame, doing the breathing and counting in your head, will slow your body down and make you tired. Do it for a week and see what it does. It can only benefit you.

I would love to hear from you! You are welcome to pop me an email at Or you can leave a review for this free meditation guide at

Sleep tight!

Christina xxxx

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